Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Do Foreign Travelers Need to Provide a Negative COVID-19 Test?

Passengers should send a portal undertaking (or the Ministry of civil aviation) through airlines concerned before they are entitled to fly, in compliance with the guidelines provided by the Health Ministry, stating that they are going to comply with the decision by the government authority concerned to take care of their health during 14 days.

'The only explanation for valid human suffering, including pregnancy, family death, serious illness, and parent(s) with children aged ten years and younger, maybe for 'home quarantine' for 14 days.'

"It may also be appropriate for travelers to request an exemption from an institutional question by sending a negative test report from RT-PCR, a test that should be carried out within 72 minutes of the journey.

In this guidance, foreign passengers who arrive without the RT-PCR negative certificate and wish to request an exemption from institutional quarantine may also take advantage of the facility where such requirements exist to undergo airports' tests.

"Foreign passengers who are unable to arrive at an Airport where the testing facility is not available must be expected to provide seven days of institutional quarantine and seven days of home quarantine, without RT-negative PCR's certificate and who do not want an RT-PCR test (if the facility is available).

The passengers excluded from institutional quarantine are shown the same at their mobile phone/another mode with the respective state counters before being approved quarantine for 14 days," she said.

The other passengers are transported to sufficient institutional quarantines to have a compulsory quarantine duration of seven days and a seven-day domestic quarantine arranged by the respective State/UT Governments, the report stated.

The guidelines specified that these passengers are held for at least seven days under institutional quarantine.

If assessed as asymptomatic/presymptomatic/very mild cases, the Covid Treatment Centre (public and private facilities) will be admitted into home isolation or isolated as required, adding that those with mild/medium/severe symptoms will be admitted to a specific health center for Covid and administered accordingly.

Foreign passengers arriving at Indian seaports/land ports must also be subject to the same protocol as previously stated unless, according to the guidelines, there is currently no online registration facility for such passengers.

Only asymptomatic passengers can board a flight after the thermal screening with a travel ticket to the airlines/agencies concerned. Adequate safeguards such as environmental health and disinfection at the airports shall be guaranteed, the guidelines claim.

Ensure that you check the timetables for the validity of the COVID-19 test for the journey on a specific airline or for entering a country. While a certain number of airlines need tests of not over 48 hours, other airlines, such as Etihad and Emirates, will take tests up to 96 hours before travel.

Checking before you fly can also mean that you don't have to quarantine before reaching your destination. France demands that most tourists from outside the European Union bring a negative COVID-19 certificate while you have to test at the airport when you arrive in Germany. Foreigners Coming from the UK, Australia, Germany & the US to India must have valid Indian E-Visa with COVID 19 Negative test Reports. 

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